
Join the MHL!

Front page from the Carolina Medical Journal.The Medical Heritage Library, Inc. is actively seeking new collaborators! If your institution has materials related to medical history that are or will be digitized, please get in touch with us.

The MHL is made up of voting and non-voting members. Voting members must be non-profit institutions representing medical heritage collections in good standing with the jurisdiction of its formation. Voting members are allowed to appoint one individual to serve on the MHL’s Governing Board; these members have one vote each. Non-voting members may also appoint an individual for representation on the Board but these members have no vote.

Both voting and non-voting members must receive a simple majority in a Governing Board vote in order to join the MHL, Inc. Payment of dues (to be established by the Governing Board) or in-kind work (to be decided upon by the Governing Board) is required from each member.

For more information, please contact the Project Co-ordinator, Hanna Clutterbuck-Cook, at

Current Partnerships

Principal Contributors

Any institution that dedicates resources or staff time to achieve MHL goals and objectives. This includes the partners currently digitizing materials and also those organizations that are contributing expertise. Because grant projects are labor-intensive (far beyond grant-sponsored personnel), any participant in such a project would be considered a principal contributor. Principal contributors have a demonstrated commitment to the MHL, thus governance council members are drawn from this group; participation is co-terminus with the contribution.

Drawings of three plants: Great Sancile, Cotton Thistle, and Woodbine.

Content Contributors

Any institution that adds existing digitized materials to the MHL. Such organizations will be asked to issue a press release about the content contribution, link to the MHL, distribute MHL print materials, display a flyer, and inform us of opportunities for collaboration, such as co-sponsoring a presentation about the MHL to appropriate constituencies.

Engraving of a human skeleton.


Any institution that publicizes the MHL and promotes its use and development. Our goal is to obtain the participation of history of medicine special collections and other organizations in promoting the use of MHL collections. We hope that contributors will link to the MHL, distribute MHL print materials, display a flyer, and inform us of opportunities for collaboration, such as co-sponsoring a presentation about the MHL to appropriate constituencies

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