Join the MHL!

The MHL is looking for new partners. Do you have material in your collections related to the history of medicine and the health sciences? Is it already in Internet Archive or do you have it digitally available elsewhere and want to put it in IA? Want to make your material part of a large and heavily used online corpus? Come talk to us! Continue reading

Images from the Library

The cover of Francisco L Gervile’s 1862 As molestias da pelle curadas : guia para todos que padecem de erupções cutaneas, de empigens, borbulbas, pruridos da pelle, salsugem, herpes purulentos, bolhas, etc., para se curarem radicalmente por um methodo prompto e seguro, resultados de uma pratica medica de cincoenta annos, sempre comprovada pela experiencia: Continue reading