US Navy BUMED Office of Medical History Announcement

Due to a flood over the weekend, the US Navy’s BUMED’s Office of Medical History will have an interruption in archival services. 95% of the collection was completely unaffected, but due to wet flooring and drywall, all of it will have to be packed up and placed in storage for at least a month. A set of 19th century hospital plans and maps did get wet, but are being freeze-dried. For the next four weeks,… Continue reading

Upcoming Website Changes

In case you haven’t noticed, we’re doing some revamping of our website. Some old pages are going away, some are getting new names and new content, and some entirely new ones are being added. If you’re looking for the page that used to be called Tools for Digital Research, we halved it: look here and here. If you’ve got suggestions for our new resources list, please drop us an email at If you’re looking for the code… Continue reading

New Search Tool (Part 2)

We’ve made it even easier to test out our new fulltext search tool for the MHL! Just look to your right at the top of the sidebar and you’ll see our brand new embeddable search box: Check it out — play around and let us know what you think at Continue reading

Images from the Library

From Arthur E. Baines’ Germination in its electrical aspect, a consecutive account of the electro-physiological processes concerned in evolution, from the formation of the pollen-grain, to the completed structure of the seedling, together with some further studies in electro-physiology (1921). As always, for more from the Medical Heritage Library, please visit our full collection! Continue reading