Our Reading List (#4)

Here are a few of the things that are catching our eye this week…. Coverage of the BUMED’s 2500th upload to the MHL. What do patients want to know about their doctors (from TEDMED). From the History of Modern Biomedicine Research Group and in honor of #WorldAIDSDay on Monday, History of the National Survey of Sexual Attitudes and Lifestyles. If you are or are going to be in Boston on the 18th of this month, why… Continue reading

Weekend Reading

Most of us in the US are looking at some amount of time off in the next week or so and I don’t know about you but one of my first priorities is always to get myself well stocked with reading material. Try one of these suggestions from our recent additions to the MHL! John Pickering, The smallpox epidemic in Gloucester in 1895-6, and the water cure (1896) John C. McVail, Vaccination vindicated [electronic resource] : being an… Continue reading

The Final Week!

Yesterday started the countdown of the final week of our 2014 user survey! We’re closing it down on November 25th — that’s next Tuesday. To date, we have over 50 responses, well over our totals in the previous two surveys. Thank you. If you haven’t taken the survey yet or if you have students or colleagues who should know about the MHL or do use the collection, please take the survey yourself and pass the link on.  We use this… Continue reading